I have been fighting against this constant admonition that I should be more respectful of the opinion of the Class-A people. First, I tell them that I am a Class-B "imposter" living in the Class-A world. Basically I am an insider who is an outsider. I am well positioned to see the truth. Second I tell them that their impulse is wrong... that these people don't want to debate you because they think you are evil, disgusting scum that they, the Class-A people, should dominate and control.
So I tell them that they need to denigrate them, the Class-A people, at every step... to paint them as the dangerous egotistical fools that they are. And ultimately, to work your Class-B asses off to get them the hell out of academia, political positions and government.
Frankly, it is like all the dog droppings from Central Park have come alive and seek to rule the world.
Satisfying rhetoric, but in my Class A circles the membership does not recognise its dominant status. It continues to point at the Kochs and Thiel et all, claiming to be ultimately in hock to The Far Right and that Class B is why they can’t have nice things.
The censorship and propaganda functions are mostly carried out by the "PMC", a subservient subclass of [EDIT, deletion] the Professional Managerial Class, aka the "New Clerisy" (Kotkin).
See John McWhorter's book "Woke Racism" on the rot and dysfunction involved. (I just call it depraved evil.)
The primitive human condition was structured by evolution on Alpha/Beta relations in kinship groups (inbred gene pools), and a certain number of Betas were usually expendable.
This is what the cultural right (the B Team) has to understand: The woke commissars don't care about arguments, consistency, logic or precedents. They care about power. They have it and they're using it--with impunity because they can. It's easy to be confused about this because the greatest bastion of wokeness, the universities, has traditionally been an arena where reason and argument are highly valued, indeed where they have been regarded as the vary basis of the educational and research mission of the university. With rare exceptions, that's all over now. This battle has to fought with the bare knuckle tactics of politics, not dialectics.
Thank you for that, interesting but not my area. I think this author makes an argument about Yarvin miss-identifying the groups. Fair enough.
I am more interested in the mechanism of human affairs as described by Yarvin. Namely: the selective advantage of dominant ideas and the concomitant inability of recessive ideas to compete. This is the distortion field of human affairs. It is the intersection of inquiry, ambition, self interest, practical considerations (not getting fired) and the distortion that creates in the formation and adoption of ideas. Curtis nails it from my perspective.
Purpose – Organisations sometimes select and promote the wrong individuals for managerial positions. These individuals may be incompetent, they may be manipulators and bullies. They are not the best people for the job and yet not only are they selected for positions of authority and responsibility, they are sometimes promoted repeatedly until their kind populate the highest levels of the organisational hierarchy. The purpose of this paper is to address this phenomenon by attempting to explain why it occurs and why organisational members tolerate such destructive practices. It concludes by proposing a cultural strategy to protect the organisation and its stakeholders from the ambitious machinations of the organisational sociopath.
Design/methodology/approach – The authors develop an explanatory framework by attempting to combine elements of the theory of memetics with structuration theory. Memetic theory helps to analyse culture and communication of beliefs, ideas, and thoughts. Structuration theory can be used to identify motives and drives. A combination of these theoretical approaches can be used to identify the motives of organisational sociopaths. Such a tool is also useful for exploring the high level of organisation tolerance for sociopathic managers.
Findings – Organisational tolerance and acceptance for sociopathic managerial behaviour appears to be a consequence of cultural and structural complexity. While this has been known for some time, few authors have posited an adequate range of explanations and solutions to protect stakeholders and prevent the sociopath from exploiting organisational weaknesses. Reduction of cultural and structural complexity may provide a partial solution. Transparency, communication of strong ethical values, promotion based on performance, directed cooperation, and rewards that reinforce high performing and acceptable behaviour are all necessary to protect against individuals with sociopathic tendencies.
Originality/value – The authors provide a new cultural diagnostic tool by combining elements of memetic theory with elements of structuration theory. The subsequent framework can be used to protect organisations from becoming the unwitting victims of sociopaths seeking to realise and fulfil their needs and ambitions through a managerial career path.
Totally agree. Although they do seem particularly sensitive to a good, humiliating meme since that is the one thing they get so heinously, horribly wrong.
It would be nice if we could post photo comments, since just t’other day I saw yer another hilarious meme about how ‘the Left can’t meme.’ I would like to have shared it!
P.S. I enjoy reading you because your prose is so clearly honest, curious and heartfelt. Thus when even you have to write stuff like this, I know we're in for rough times.
Trump but only in the negative; he negates and explodes decency. It is altogether appropriate that he do so because their decency is really a weapon they garnered from their superior education.
Remember, class A are our superiors, they are tremendously intelligent, ambitious, high functioning and skilful. They are right to think they are superior because they are. They’re also quite horrible.
It is like they are living in an upside down world... claiming that the Class-B people have the power and they, the Class-A people, are the victims or soon to be victims of absolute oppression.
IMO, this contrasting view is very much closer to the truth.
N.S. writes: "using allegedly neutral public institutions against political opponents"
But let's remember what Trump signed into law in January 2018, with Hillary no doubt in mind:
>Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.
That's a happy thought. but, It was illegal a long time ago for anyone to do such a thing. In fact, Class B people (military, GS employees, etc) would have been prosecuted for such serious offenses. If I had ever even misplaced a classified document, my career would have been over.
You're ignoring facts and publishing partisan talking point.
Only if you define Class A in terms of their "woke" ideology rather than in terms of the toxic amount of power and resources they've been handed, largely by virtue of who their parents are.
You don't really think that the reins of power in our society are held by college professors, mainstream media pundits, and professional snowflakes. Do you?
Power no but the plan is formulated in the cathedral made up of academia and the media. Those with power are informed by and constrained by “The selective Advantage of dominant ideas”. I recommend Curtis Yarvin‘s brief explanation of the cathedral substack. I am very certain he is correct.
"Woke" is quasi-religious cult dogma which is held by two separate groups:
1. the globalist-transhumanist billionaire types that really pull the strings of the political puppets
2. the PMC, the Professional-Managerial class (employed by #1), that largely generate the propaganda schemes and operate the censorship-industrial-complex for the globalists.
Damaging the PMC won't have much effect on the globalist billionaires because they can always train/hire more people for any given open slot in the PMC.
This is not the same. This records issue was overplayed. A President has a great deal of discretion in what he keeps or destroys. I remember the same questions came up when Clinton left office. The courts sided with the former president.
No, the "same questions" most definitely did not "come up" with Bill Clinton.
That's pure BS on your part.
And the President has NO discretion on "what he keeps or destroys".
While in office, the President has broad powers to classify and declassify, but Trump did not invoke those powers while he had them in relation to the documents that he illegally removed and kept (until the FBI lawfully recovered them two days ago).
The press sec KJP will NOT say "no" to the question... "Is the Biden Admin weaponizing the Justice Department and FBI against political opponents?" Incredible.
Rigging elections - you mean voter ID that Stacy Abrams supports and 80% of the voting population supports?
Permanently in power? Really, you expect the GOP to do so well that voters never elect another Democrat?
Schedule F. Damn right... back to the limited government that the founders intended. Get rid of all the political swamp creatures from both sides of the aisle. Implement new rules to stop those officials from conflicts of interest to enrich themselves like the Pelosis, The Big Guy, Fauci, Birx and Redstone.
This substack will continue to shine as the beacon of truth, facts and reason!
"you expect the GOP to do so well that voters never elect another Democrat?"
I expect the Republicans to engage in voter suppression and big-data-driven gerrymandering, as well as outright fraud (such as Republican secretaries of state refusing to certify Democrat wins) to the entent that, with 40% approval, they will never lose a governing majority at the federal level.
I expect this because they have told us very plainly that this is their plan.
... At first, when a new form arises, it has subversive effects on the old order, before it has additive effects that lead to a new order. Bad actors may prove initially more adept than good actors at using a new form — e.g., ancient warlords, medieval pirates and smugglers, and today’s information-age terrorists being examples that correspond to the +I, +M, and +N transitions, respectively. As each form takes hold, energizing a distinct set of values and norms for actors operating in that form, it generates a new realm of activity — for example, the state, the market. As a new realm gains legitimacy and expands the space it occupies within a social system, it puts new limits on the scope of existing realms. At the same time, through feedback and other interactions, the rise of a new form/realm also modifies the nature of the existing ones.
The lamentations of the right losing its status as the ruling class.
Both teams, classes, whatever, are disgusting for different reasons. Neither is blameless, neither is pure in its intentions. Both seek power, advantage, revenge. Pettiness and schadenfreude abound. No mercy, no compassion, no forgiveness, no introspection.
In my experience, the people who squawk loudest about how awful other people are are those that are least willing and able to see their own faults.
Right now appears to be a time of significant political opportunity for for the populist right. Key, but often opaque institutional centers of power (like the FBI) are vying for greater degrees of dominance within multiple, and often hidden but overlapping and competing power networks ( like Intelligence/Big Tech/Federal Reserve) that appear collectively responsible for the real continuity of American foreign and domestic Policy.
The question of what particular individuals and organizations (both public and private) are now really in charge (with the increasing absence of President Biden) are becoming more and more paramount.
Over the last number of decades the grass-roots populist right along with some theorists like Michael Lind and Joel Kotkin) have developed increasingly sophisticated descriptions of such emerging power centers, making up what is now called the new class or the managerial class or the administrative class (also see earlier descriptions like that of James Burnham "The Managerial Revolution" (1949) and Daniel Bell "The Coming Post-Industrial Society: The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism (1976).
The underlying notion of class contained within this new class populist right perspective may now have a once-in-a lifetime opportunity to gain legitimacy as a more accurate description of contemporary political reality than the hopefully, temporarily outmoded separation of powers model (Congress, Executive Branch and the Courts running things)-- which along with federalism, decentralization, entrepreneurial capitalism as well as a culture of limits-- still strikes me as an aspirational political model worth pursuing as we attempt to return to our roots.
The dead white guy was James Madison and the Arab thought lleader is Osama bin Laden.
Curtis Yarvin is doing an elves versus hobbits schtick. He’s done about 4 rather long and of course confusing posts primarily on what motivates elves (A) but for the hobbits (B) all he says is “they just want to grill”.
I’m going to make all my friends read this public service announcement, that should make me popular.
Class A stands silent while their authoritarian Covid response and underhanded Great Reset kill 100-1 compared to the virus, which with food shortages looming, it could go to 1000-1. And they will still stand silent except to denounce and condemn Class-B.
"And Class A really wants everyone, especially Class B, to understand this, because they think Class B seriously needs to get the message and accept its place in the order of things. Class B is on the bottom, where it belongs. Class A is on top, and a more lenient standard is a privilege reserved for them, by virtue of their natural moral/educational/economic/aesthetic superiority and consequent rightful dominance. If Class B does not enjoy this discipline, they should strive to clean up their dirty, stupid, wicked ways and someday become part of Class A."
Thanks for articulating these thoughts. You nailed the whole dynamic here and in ways that hadn't occurred to me.
Beautifully well done.
I have been fighting against this constant admonition that I should be more respectful of the opinion of the Class-A people. First, I tell them that I am a Class-B "imposter" living in the Class-A world. Basically I am an insider who is an outsider. I am well positioned to see the truth. Second I tell them that their impulse is wrong... that these people don't want to debate you because they think you are evil, disgusting scum that they, the Class-A people, should dominate and control.
So I tell them that they need to denigrate them, the Class-A people, at every step... to paint them as the dangerous egotistical fools that they are. And ultimately, to work your Class-B asses off to get them the hell out of academia, political positions and government.
Frankly, it is like all the dog droppings from Central Park have come alive and seek to rule the world.
Satisfying rhetoric, but in my Class A circles the membership does not recognise its dominant status. It continues to point at the Kochs and Thiel et all, claiming to be ultimately in hock to The Far Right and that Class B is why they can’t have nice things.
It seems that victimhood is reassuring.
The censorship and propaganda functions are mostly carried out by the "PMC", a subservient subclass of [EDIT, deletion] the Professional Managerial Class, aka the "New Clerisy" (Kotkin).
See John McWhorter's book "Woke Racism" on the rot and dysfunction involved. (I just call it depraved evil.)
The primitive human condition was structured by evolution on Alpha/Beta relations in kinship groups (inbred gene pools), and a certain number of Betas were usually expendable.
This is what the cultural right (the B Team) has to understand: The woke commissars don't care about arguments, consistency, logic or precedents. They care about power. They have it and they're using it--with impunity because they can. It's easy to be confused about this because the greatest bastion of wokeness, the universities, has traditionally been an arena where reason and argument are highly valued, indeed where they have been regarded as the vary basis of the educational and research mission of the university. With rare exceptions, that's all over now. This battle has to fought with the bare knuckle tactics of politics, not dialectics.
If you really want to get a good feel for what you said check out Curtis Yarvin‘s “brief explanation of the cathedral”
This adds to, and partly corrects, Yarvin:
Thank you for that, interesting but not my area. I think this author makes an argument about Yarvin miss-identifying the groups. Fair enough.
I am more interested in the mechanism of human affairs as described by Yarvin. Namely: the selective advantage of dominant ideas and the concomitant inability of recessive ideas to compete. This is the distortion field of human affairs. It is the intersection of inquiry, ambition, self interest, practical considerations (not getting fired) and the distortion that creates in the formation and adoption of ideas. Curtis nails it from my perspective.
re: the chart of evil
The chart (see my restack) is contained in this academic publication:
Purpose – Organisations sometimes select and promote the wrong individuals for managerial positions. These individuals may be incompetent, they may be manipulators and bullies. They are not the best people for the job and yet not only are they selected for positions of authority and responsibility, they are sometimes promoted repeatedly until their kind populate the highest levels of the organisational hierarchy. The purpose of this paper is to address this phenomenon by attempting to explain why it occurs and why organisational members tolerate such destructive practices. It concludes by proposing a cultural strategy to protect the organisation and its stakeholders from the ambitious machinations of the organisational sociopath.
Design/methodology/approach – The authors develop an explanatory framework by attempting to combine elements of the theory of memetics with structuration theory. Memetic theory helps to analyse culture and communication of beliefs, ideas, and thoughts. Structuration theory can be used to identify motives and drives. A combination of these theoretical approaches can be used to identify the motives of organisational sociopaths. Such a tool is also useful for exploring the high level of organisation tolerance for sociopathic managers.
Findings – Organisational tolerance and acceptance for sociopathic managerial behaviour appears to be a consequence of cultural and structural complexity. While this has been known for some time, few authors have posited an adequate range of explanations and solutions to protect stakeholders and prevent the sociopath from exploiting organisational weaknesses. Reduction of cultural and structural complexity may provide a partial solution. Transparency, communication of strong ethical values, promotion based on performance, directed cooperation, and rewards that reinforce high performing and acceptable behaviour are all necessary to protect against individuals with sociopathic tendencies.
Originality/value – The authors provide a new cultural diagnostic tool by combining elements of memetic theory with elements of structuration theory. The subsequent framework can be used to protect organisations from becoming the unwitting victims of sociopaths seeking to realise and fulfil their needs and ambitions through a managerial career path.
Organisational sociopaths: Rarely challenged, often promoted. Why?
October 2007Society and Business Review 2(3):254-269
Richard Jan Pech
Spandrel Group
Bret W. Slade
La Trobe University
re: luxury-digital-gnosticism, globalists/transhumanists and inverted class war
Another classic:
Yes, the topic is complex and has many facets.
My ultimate short version: "woke" = mental dysfunction
A classic:
(this Lindsay article appears to have been updated recently?)
newdiscourses. com /2020/07/complex-relationship-between-marxism-wokeness/
Totally agree. Although they do seem particularly sensitive to a good, humiliating meme since that is the one thing they get so heinously, horribly wrong.
Yes. Sensitive, but not susceptible. Ridicule as a weapon only works so far.
Yes. You can’t successfully ridicule the inherently superior
It would be nice if we could post photo comments, since just t’other day I saw yer another hilarious meme about how ‘the Left can’t meme.’ I would like to have shared it!
You can post pictures on Notes, use the "restack with note".
Awesome, thanks. I had no idea.
P.S. I enjoy reading you because your prose is so clearly honest, curious and heartfelt. Thus when even you have to write stuff like this, I know we're in for rough times.
I needed that. I will stop whining. I want leaders that will pay them back in full. Where are they?
My bro', we can't look for leaders. It's you and me.
Trump but only in the negative; he negates and explodes decency. It is altogether appropriate that he do so because their decency is really a weapon they garnered from their superior education.
Remember, class A are our superiors, they are tremendously intelligent, ambitious, high functioning and skilful. They are right to think they are superior because they are. They’re also quite horrible.
Sorry, no.
So are we.
Fair enough they have power though so they’re horrible trumps our horrible infinitely
It's always been about "one-up/one-down".
Envy. Cain vs Abel.
Excise that from the psyche and maybe we move forward.
Ya'll should go check out this contrasting left-world view piece: https://gfile.thedispatch.com/p/yearning-for-a-banana-republic/comments#comment-8303812
It is like they are living in an upside down world... claiming that the Class-B people have the power and they, the Class-A people, are the victims or soon to be victims of absolute oppression.
IMO, this contrasting view is very much closer to the truth.
N.S. writes: "using allegedly neutral public institutions against political opponents"
But let's remember what Trump signed into law in January 2018, with Hillary no doubt in mind:
>Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.
But hey! That should now be ignored, because it is now in the interests of Team B to ignore it.
That's a happy thought. but, It was illegal a long time ago for anyone to do such a thing. In fact, Class B people (military, GS employees, etc) would have been prosecuted for such serious offenses. If I had ever even misplaced a classified document, my career would have been over.
You're ignoring facts and publishing partisan talking point.
An interloper from class A.
Only if you define Class A in terms of their "woke" ideology rather than in terms of the toxic amount of power and resources they've been handed, largely by virtue of who their parents are.
You don't really think that the reins of power in our society are held by college professors, mainstream media pundits, and professional snowflakes. Do you?
Power no but the plan is formulated in the cathedral made up of academia and the media. Those with power are informed by and constrained by “The selective Advantage of dominant ideas”. I recommend Curtis Yarvin‘s brief explanation of the cathedral substack. I am very certain he is correct.
"Woke" is quasi-religious cult dogma which is held by two separate groups:
1. the globalist-transhumanist billionaire types that really pull the strings of the political puppets
2. the PMC, the Professional-Managerial class (employed by #1), that largely generate the propaganda schemes and operate the censorship-industrial-complex for the globalists.
Damaging the PMC won't have much effect on the globalist billionaires because they can always train/hire more people for any given open slot in the PMC.
This is not the same. This records issue was overplayed. A President has a great deal of discretion in what he keeps or destroys. I remember the same questions came up when Clinton left office. The courts sided with the former president.
No, the "same questions" most definitely did not "come up" with Bill Clinton.
That's pure BS on your part.
And the President has NO discretion on "what he keeps or destroys".
While in office, the President has broad powers to classify and declassify, but Trump did not invoke those powers while he had them in relation to the documents that he illegally removed and kept (until the FBI lawfully recovered them two days ago).
I'm confused, are these "Trump" and "Clinton" people daimyo of the Oda and Chosokabe clans?
Pretty much, yeah.
And both clans care about the peasants just about the same.
Well on that we can probably agree, but it's a discussion for another time.
I think you meant to say "a Secretary of State has NO discretion..."
Oh. Maybe unless she's a Class A.
Applies to her too of course. Trump's 2018 revision of the law upped the penalty from one to five years in prison.
The press sec KJP will NOT say "no" to the question... "Is the Biden Admin weaponizing the Justice Department and FBI against political opponents?" Incredible.
Oh for fuck's sake. Give it a rest.
Team B is busy rigging the elections.
They'll be back in power soon, and permanently.
They'll purge the bureaucracy with Schedule F.
This substack will end up as a sad memorial to "oops we missed the real threat!"
Rigging elections - you mean voter ID that Stacy Abrams supports and 80% of the voting population supports?
Permanently in power? Really, you expect the GOP to do so well that voters never elect another Democrat?
Schedule F. Damn right... back to the limited government that the founders intended. Get rid of all the political swamp creatures from both sides of the aisle. Implement new rules to stop those officials from conflicts of interest to enrich themselves like the Pelosis, The Big Guy, Fauci, Birx and Redstone.
This substack will continue to shine as the beacon of truth, facts and reason!
"you expect the GOP to do so well that voters never elect another Democrat?"
I expect the Republicans to engage in voter suppression and big-data-driven gerrymandering, as well as outright fraud (such as Republican secretaries of state refusing to certify Democrat wins) to the entent that, with 40% approval, they will never lose a governing majority at the federal level.
I expect this because they have told us very plainly that this is their plan.
Cites? Otherwise you pulling stuff out of your rear.
Thank you for this. We can only hope!
Yes, I fully understand that you Trumpistas are hoping for the overthrow of democracy in the US, and the installation of the Trump Shogunate.
I think you are going to get your wish soon enough.
This is the most depressingly incapacitating thing I have ever read. How do I not just give up.
You just don’t. No amount of shame and failure over the course of the 20th century dampened Class A’s corporate enthusiasm for their insane plans.
some actual social science might help people get past the whole left-vs-right narrative?
re: David Ronfeldt's TIMN model of social change
disruption -> disintegration -> regression to ideological tribalism -> reintegration at a higher level / social form
... At first, when a new form arises, it has subversive effects on the old order, before it has additive effects that lead to a new order. Bad actors may prove initially more adept than good actors at using a new form — e.g., ancient warlords, medieval pirates and smugglers, and today’s information-age terrorists being examples that correspond to the +I, +M, and +N transitions, respectively. As each form takes hold, energizing a distinct set of values and norms for actors operating in that form, it generates a new realm of activity — for example, the state, the market. As a new realm gains legitimacy and expands the space it occupies within a social system, it puts new limits on the scope of existing realms. At the same time, through feedback and other interactions, the rise of a new form/realm also modifies the nature of the existing ones.
I find both comfort and depression in this post.
It’s great that you focused on class.
This is where the battle is, but hiding it are all of the identity choices that are strewn about the landscape.
The lamentations of the right losing its status as the ruling class.
Both teams, classes, whatever, are disgusting for different reasons. Neither is blameless, neither is pure in its intentions. Both seek power, advantage, revenge. Pettiness and schadenfreude abound. No mercy, no compassion, no forgiveness, no introspection.
In my experience, the people who squawk loudest about how awful other people are are those that are least willing and able to see their own faults.
"What's the Power Plan Stan."
Right now appears to be a time of significant political opportunity for for the populist right. Key, but often opaque institutional centers of power (like the FBI) are vying for greater degrees of dominance within multiple, and often hidden but overlapping and competing power networks ( like Intelligence/Big Tech/Federal Reserve) that appear collectively responsible for the real continuity of American foreign and domestic Policy.
The question of what particular individuals and organizations (both public and private) are now really in charge (with the increasing absence of President Biden) are becoming more and more paramount.
Over the last number of decades the grass-roots populist right along with some theorists like Michael Lind and Joel Kotkin) have developed increasingly sophisticated descriptions of such emerging power centers, making up what is now called the new class or the managerial class or the administrative class (also see earlier descriptions like that of James Burnham "The Managerial Revolution" (1949) and Daniel Bell "The Coming Post-Industrial Society: The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism (1976).
The underlying notion of class contained within this new class populist right perspective may now have a once-in-a lifetime opportunity to gain legitimacy as a more accurate description of contemporary political reality than the hopefully, temporarily outmoded separation of powers model (Congress, Executive Branch and the Courts running things)-- which along with federalism, decentralization, entrepreneurial capitalism as well as a culture of limits-- still strikes me as an aspirational political model worth pursuing as we attempt to return to our roots.
Brilliant: virtuals versus physicals a Redux.
The dead white guy was James Madison and the Arab thought lleader is Osama bin Laden.
Curtis Yarvin is doing an elves versus hobbits schtick. He’s done about 4 rather long and of course confusing posts primarily on what motivates elves (A) but for the hobbits (B) all he says is “they just want to grill”.
I’m going to make all my friends read this public service announcement, that should make me popular.
Yarvin again. Such a yawner. He should do more grilling.
Class A stands silent while their authoritarian Covid response and underhanded Great Reset kill 100-1 compared to the virus, which with food shortages looming, it could go to 1000-1. And they will still stand silent except to denounce and condemn Class-B.
How many have to die, i wonder.
The Republicans sold out their voters for tax-cuts.
"And Class A really wants everyone, especially Class B, to understand this, because they think Class B seriously needs to get the message and accept its place in the order of things. Class B is on the bottom, where it belongs. Class A is on top, and a more lenient standard is a privilege reserved for them, by virtue of their natural moral/educational/economic/aesthetic superiority and consequent rightful dominance. If Class B does not enjoy this discipline, they should strive to clean up their dirty, stupid, wicked ways and someday become part of Class A."
Thanks for articulating these thoughts. You nailed the whole dynamic here and in ways that hadn't occurred to me.