Its not madness, its method.

This is a formula for sowing chaos. The chaos State and Deep State has sown in the past has given them dictatorial powers in America (their main object) and vast wealth from the wars and suffering they inflicted. It would be as if Krupp munitions also specialized in combat trauma medical products.

They are solving a problem; their hold on power in America has no legitimacy and remains tenuous. Wars in every direction alleviate that core problem. Its distraction and sowing chaos as policy and it has worked to their immense advantage in the middle east and Ukraine and also immense riches, that allowed them to create a very interested group of American clients. By clients I mean they are its patrons, I mean war, contractors of all sorts- these are clientele and their real constituents. Many, many minor millionaires have been created from humble beginnings to minor millionaire status by war. Many more are doing intern then later management and so affluence on the “humanitarian “ and NGO side. Your government actually governs by handing out contracts. The contractors are the actual constituents, not the fey and feckless deluded voters. The American government has been a contracting brokerage since Clinton “reinvented government “

This gives them a broad base throughout the entire middle class, including Finance (SNAP, EBT aka welfare is contracted out to finance) and by the way the actual security and military organizations that fight are also contractors, as is Intelligence.

Why turn that all up in the air?

Because they need to consolidate their power and war allows them to do said consolidation.

Now it has long been considered prudent not to sow trouble in your own house, aka don’t 💩 where you live, but that prudence is gained by hard knocks- and they never have been. The Elites come straight from college to the ultimate college town of DC and act accordingly. They have no experience of violence, as we saw when they ran on Jan 6 that’s not something they handle well.

They are scared and starting fights in every direction from fear and weakness, this turning of nations into chaotic battlefields is their core strength; of course they play their strong cards.

Will it work?


The outcome?


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Very good points !

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So the entire developed world is still doubling down on affecting total social collapse. God help us all.

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It is impossible to safely disagree with even an isolated fragment of the New Faith: like touching one spot in a spider web, you disturb the whole web.

And then, of course, the spider comes out.

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Damn. We’re so fucked.

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>Hence why Biden issues warnings like the one claiming that, “in so many places, including in Europe and the United States, democratic progress is under assault.”

I think Biden issued that warning because so many Red states in the US are moving to restrict voting rights, usually with schemes that will selectively impact poor people (eg, by cutting the number of polling places, ensuring long lines in urban areas).

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Stop reading CNN, and start reading the actual documents.

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Tell me what the Texas Tribune got wrong in this article:

"Voters in some urban, Democratic areas of Harris and Tarrant counties would see a drastic drop in polling places under the Senate version of Senate Bill 7, a Texas Tribune analysis shows."


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By the article's own text, the provision isn't part of SB 7. Further, the article doesn't point to the supposed calculations in said provision. I did a (admittedly cursory) search of the SB 7 text, since the bill is online, and could not find anything that backed up the Texas Tribune's allegations. Perhaps you could be of more service?

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Lines 14 to 21 on page 14 of the bill:

14 in a county with a population of one million or

15 more, the number of polling places located in each state

16 representative district included in the territory of the county is

17 calculated by dividing the number of eligible voters residing in

18 that district by the total number of eligible voters residing in the

19 county and using the number generated as a percentage to allocate

20 the same percentage of polling place locations, rounding up to the

21 nearest whole number, if necessary.


I do not have the numbers needed to do the calculation, but the Texas Tribute does, and I have no reason to believe they did it wrong.

Have you done the calculation yourself and gotten a different answer?

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You're going to have to show more work here. The article doesn't show its work, either. In particular, expand the reasoning on how you get to your conclusion, rather than pointing at a formula and screaming "racist".

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I did not "point to a formula and scream 'racist'", I pointed to a formula (that you first claimed did not exist), and pointed to a detailed analysis of its effects (which did not make an accusation of racism). You want to see the line-by-line arithmetic, despite having absolutely no reason for believing that analysis is worng. Furthermore, there is no alternative analysis that I can find that reaches a different conclusion,. And you have no such analysis either.

I reluctantly conclude that you not functioning in a fact-based reality, and therfore will not respond further.

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And voter ID?

BTW how many of the urban poor actually voted?

Just kidding.

No one votes anymore. This is actually all moot, the next election will be 2020 forever, the ballots are probably already printed, perhaps they’ll crease them this time? What is known is the NG was guarding warehouses full of prefilled ballots before the election (yes, fraud) and that the orders to guard “election places” in 2022 are already cut for the NG.

You Dems might not want to continue that policy, you don’t realize it but we’re not sworn to you. With the fall of the Republic in January- we’re not sworn to anything period.


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Give everybody my regards at the next meeting of the Brotherhood of the Bell.

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There’s no Brotherhood of whatever.

Just a bunch of people- most of humanity- staring at you crazy fuxx , waiting for someone sane to come along and topple you.

You won it all, but you lost the rest of us doing so, you’re alone.

Give these regards at your next Zoom meeting - you’re alone.

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Yes heaven forbid one ought to hav to prove one's eligibility to vote in order to vote.

The Democrats facilliitation of mass immigration dilutes the political equity of real americans and we have a right to protect it.

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Your point about Indonesia is an interesting one. But of course, China is engaging in its own behavior that wouldn't exactly endear it to Indonesian (or other) Muslims. Their choice of ally will depend on how much they care about the morals of a country sending their co-religionists off to concentration camps if that country doesn't make religious/social demands of them, I suppose.

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How does your own behavior "endear" you to the "morals of country"? Beating your wife to a pulp that night, cursing her for being Black and not woke enough, not conforming to your 'progressiveness' (sic), berserk with threats of waterboarding on her in the bathroom that would shame Guantanamo, and threatening the entire Black world with Auschwitz because Blacks would offset White.


You are a sick man. Go see a shrink.

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What in god's name are you talking about

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America is sui generis by virtue of 2A: you know the right to “keep and bare”. Intersectionality and micro aggressions as a religious doctrine does not stand a chance with a large group of people; those people embrace a competing faith, steeped in the mythos of a citizen militia righteously resisting tyranny, they fancy themselves, by virtue of 2a, in possession of the means to resist.

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We have the means, but not the will. We lack the will to organize, above all. So we aren't a large group of people, we are a bunch of individuals wanking it to sportsball.

-Fight a guerrilla war with severe hardship and casualties: conservatives wank off to this.

-Talk to your neighbors and run for county board: sounds like commie shit to me!

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"To recognize every human being’s freedom to determine the confines of their existence, including their gender identity and expression."

Might I suggest that this sentence reflects the ultimate incoherence of Woke principles, and thus can be used to destroy the Woke state?

Consider what would happen if every person applying to a university states that they are a black, female, gay. When challenged on these, multiple easy responses come to mind:

- "that feels to me like a micro-aggression"

- "uh, who are you to tell me how a woman is supposed to look, dress, behave, sound"

- "gender-fluid means I choose whatever identity I feel like at any given time"

- "explain to me EXACTLY what black means? because last time I checked supposedly races did not exist"

This sounds sarcastic, but I am deadly serious. Woke has tied for itself the ultimate knot, that

- privileges should be dispensed based on identity BUT

- anyone can choose whatever identity they like any time they like

So why not choose whatever is most convenient in the moment, while filling out that application form? We all want to see what bizarre conglomeration of Nuremberg laws/not-one-drop weirdness comes out of Woke as the response...

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Indeed it’s an evangelical, aggressive and jealous New Faith we’re dealing with. It has high priests, lay preachers, holy books, declarations of faith, sinners, martyrs, shrines, excommunications, etc.

You know what it doesn’t have? The majority of trigger pullers in the USA. This will end, but it will end messily.

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Totalitarian finance using Marxist tactics to install a new world feudalism. Class warfare (the rich vs. everyone else) cloaked as social concern.

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The build back better meme is not only biden's. Apparently it was a commonly marketed idea that was used by england's bojo, spain's Sanchez, canada's troudeau, and some UN taling head even back in 2015. Schwab of the davosian fame has also used it. Apparently is a short way to talk about the new woke order, to signal the social transformation the western elites are trying to impose on the plebs

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Mr Lyons; congratulations!

You are hereby promoted to the Inner Ring of the actual American Government, which we might call the 7th Floor, or perhaps not.

You have before you 2 pieces of paper.

1. War under any terms with anyone who takes the bait, as always the outcome is unknown and may mean your Doom, but could be salvation.

2. Your Death Warrant; undated but you know it is coming.

Which do you choose?

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I suspect without knowing that the actual process more closely resembles something out of "Yes, Minister" than it does locking the president in a room with the Zapruder film playing on a loop until he gets the message.

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It's absolutely Yes Minister, but it's Yes Minister or we the elites DIE...

You see they know what they've done, we only dimly see it.

Oh the information is quite public, but we refuse to acknowledge it.

If we did we'd be the ones staring at the choice of fates, and we choose not to look, so as not to choose, so they choose for us. < Sir Humphrey approves.

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Haha. Harvard Law School researcher and author of the UN report called "The Law of Inclusion" chose to include Biden's campaign slogan "build, back better" into a United Nation's document on intersectionality. What an effin' farce.

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Chaos is better than losing power and their lives possibly, so this works.

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